Educational Videos

Endotracheal Intubation I


Endotracheal Intubation II

Chest Tube Insertion I

Chest Tube Insertion II

Guillotine Amputation - no narration.

You may elect to create initial skew flaps if you know how to as the surgeon did here for delayed closure, or you can simply leave the incision circumferential for formal revision at a tertiary institute. The bone was cut with a gigli saw. The takeaway message is make quick, decisive cuts BUT control all bleeders.

Laceration Repair I

Laceration Repair II

How to hand-tie a surgical knot - Narrated

Surgical Hand Tie - One Handed Square Knot - Silent

Surgical Hand Tie - Two Handed Square Knot - Silent

Tourniquet application

For the Future?
Combat Application Tourniquet (US Military) - Video 1

Combat Application Tourniquet (US Military) - Video 2

Combat Application Tourniquet (US Military) - Video 3

Combat Application Tourniquet (US Military) - Video 4

Oscillating Saw (Battery Operated) for Field Amputations

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